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Volunteer Opportunities

Connect with any of our CES Regional Leads to learn more about their potential volunteer opportunities.

June 13, 2017 | April 02, 2019 | 21,036 total views

Thank you for your interest in ending homelessness! 现金娱乐网注册 along with our partners at United Way Home for Good are working to build out a more robust system for volunteer opportunities in the homeless services system.  In the meantime, we encourage you to connect with any of our CES Regional Leads to learn more about their potential volunteer opportunities.

Antelope Valley (Service Planning Area 1)

Adults, Families, & Youth

San Fernando Valley (Service Planning Area 2)

Adults & Families


San Gabriel Valley (Service Planning Area 3)

Adults & Families


Central Los Angeles (Service Planning Area 4)




West Los Angeles (Service Planning Area 5)

Adults & Families


South Los Angeles (Service Planning Area 6)

Adults & Families

East Los Angeles (Service Planning Area 7)




South Bay/Harbor (Service Planning Area 8)

Adults, Families, & Youth


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